Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Twitter & #edchat

Last night I participated in #edchat on Twitter. The topic of discussion was Participatory Learning. At first I was not clear as to what this meant. However the great thing about Twitter is that when you ask a question, many people respond with an answer and a link! From my understanding, Participatory Learning occurs when students are given options in demonstrating their knowledge. I have participated in #edchat previously, however, last nights chat seemed to go at lightning speed! People were very eager to participate and share how they are using Participatory Learning in their classrooms with specific examples. I made some new Twitter connections with people from across the globe. After the chat I was so full of new ideas and contemplating ways to implement them into my class, I was up really late! I am so happy that a teacher friend introduced me to Twitter, it has opened my professional world to endless possibilities!


  1. Glad to meet you on Twitter! It's amazing how much a teacher can learn on #edchat - it's definitely one of the best PD experiences around.

    I hope we can connect again - hopefully involve students in some way. I'm the Tech Integration Specialist at at 5-12 project based learning school. I know our 6th grade classes were hoping to connect with other 6th graders this spring. They study the Holocaust and would love to talk to others study similar topics. Let me know if this sounds like a possibility! Otherwise, we might could connect up on another topic or project! (You can find me through my wiki -

    Again, nice meeting you virtually. Hope your new year is off to a great start!

  2. It was great meeting you and your class also! It is nice for children to learn about other communities and areas of the world from each other! The spring learning sounds great!
