Thursday, January 13, 2011

Have paper and markers become a novelty?

I assigned my grade 6 class a science project to research and make a presentation on energy sources. I allowed students to make any type of presentation that they wanted. For example, they could use any computer program such as Glogster, Prezi, Bitstrips or Powerpoint. If they did not want to use a computer program they could also choose to make a poster or a pamphlet using paper. To my surprise over half the students choose to make a poster using paper! Interestingly most of the girls choose to make posters on paper, whereas most boys choose to make a presentation using the computer. Differentiated learning at its best! This made me wonder, in our age of computers has paper and markers become a novelty?

1 comment:

  1. Because you rock I have given you a blog award!!
